“Could beauty help?”
responses to turbulence
Palabras clave:
aesthetic model, emotional turbulence, catastrophic changeResumen
This text illustrates the relationship between psychic turbulence and the sense of beauty in the post-Kleinian aesthetic model of the mind. The author used some extracts of the film inspired in Memoir of the future, by Bion, named The becoming room, that uses images from a previous film – never finished, directed by Kumar Shahani in the decade of 1980 – as a background phantasy for a monologue in which an elderly Bion remembers moments of turbulence in his life story, in the process that he calls “re-membering” the past in the present.
Cómo citar
Williams, M. H. . (2021). “Could beauty help?”: responses to turbulence. Berggasse 19, 11(2), 10–22. Recuperado a partir de https://berggasse19.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/35